
By MerrilHope

Day 27: Didim Marina

My day began at 4am with Gaby tapping on my bedroom window having just arrived back from her Nephew's wedding in Ireland, she was locked out of her flat - so I gave her my spare key and went back to sleep.

Much later, once we were both functional, we swam, cooked breakfast (including pork sausages for Connie that Gaby brought back from Dublin) and I heard all about the wedding, drinking Guiness in Ireland and the fun of air travel between Bodrum and Dublin. With Coke and Banana smoothies we generally 'chilled out' all afternoon on my back balcony where there is a breeze, punctuated with refreshing pool dips, until just after 5.30 when we drove to Didim marina for a stroll around followed by dinner at the yacht club. Very nice. We saw the cutest ginger kitten there who entertained us by chasing nothing much with great enthusiasm and agility. Kitty's mum, apparently, is the yacht club's office cat. It gave us both a warm fuzzy feeling to know that this little one has a safe home. Dinner was such an excess of food that we took half of it away and gave it to the "wild dog" when we got back to the flats.

It was a lovely day and a perfect evening. I hope everyone had a day as pleasant as mine!

(P.S. We learnt that the temp. today was in excess of 40C, no wonder we felt warm!)

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