Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

A Day Out

We went into town this morning - by tram as opposed to train (half the cost - much more regular service). 
Getting to the Park & Ride was a pain though. It would appear that every route into/out of Edinburgh from the west has roadworks and (very slow) temporary lights. Almost no workers though.
I took the infrared camera and the long lens with me so I could try and get something a bit different.

We got off the tram in St Andrew's Square and just walked through the station to Brewhemia. It was a bitingly cold wind so we weren't keen on walking round.

It was the same waiter/barman that we saw the last time we were there (and they weren't able to serve us afternoon tea!) and he recognised us. Well done sir!.
He is a very amiable, attentive and competent Australian bloke by the name of Josh (if you are in ... ask for him).
The afternoon tea was very nice, not to mention filling and we left with what we couldn't manage to eat in a couple of small boxes (which Josh supplied).

After we left we walked down to the tram stop in Picardy Place via the wind tunnel that is St James' Quarter. As we left the 'shelter of the wind tunnel the bucketing rain squall that started as we entered , had the decency to ease and stop.

Needless to say I took a number of pictures whilst we were out and have spent some time playing about with them to get something different from the norm ...... they start HERE with the renovated and reinstated bit of art that was removed from Forsyth's roof illegally when the building was sold and continue with skyline shots, stuff inside the station, Brewhemia, St James Quarter and around Picardy Place (including the street porn sculpture) and ending up with the roof of the venue that followers of the rugby will recognise.

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