Round or Curvy
Les Mis last night…what can I say, it was fabulous! I may be very, very late to the party but I’m a total convert and would happily watch it again. Last nights performance was probably Michael Balls final one as Javert and at the end of the show he handed the baton over to Bradley Jaden before they performed a duet together. There was more talk and songs on stage before the night ended…such a treat to be able to see it in a local theatre. Looking forward to hopefully seeing more in the future.
A trip to the beautician this afternoon…she’s recently done a foot course so she can offer more of a foot clinic than just a pedicure, so this was my first appointment. Walking on air now! The boys meanwhile had been to hospital with the wee man to have his heart checked…he was born with a hole in his heart and has been monitored since birth. He was given the all clear and won’t need to go back again. After they returned the car I drove them home and popped into town to pick up a couple of things ready for a retirement party at the walking group tomorrow afternoon. A quick trip around M&S to restock the fridge and I’m in for the night now.
I caught this shot of the bridges as I crossed the old one back to the car late this afternoon. Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.
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