Tiny Tuesday - ‘From the Kitchen’
Having woken up with my tummy still cramping and tongue still coated, the penny dropped that I must have picked up a gastric bug whilst still recovering from the nasty cold. So, sadly, I didn’t go along to our fortnightly house group, because as well as not really feeling up to it I didn’t want to risk passing it on to anyone. As well as having to cancel social things because of being ill, I’m now behind with so much that I had planned to get organised this week. Without the built-in wardrobes and garden room projects getting off the ground I can’t make much more progress with emptying the boxes, as there’s nowhere near enough space to store stuff that is to be kept.
I did feel a little better this afternoon, and walked up to the library to return the book club novel which I had been unable to give to Paula last night. She very kindly orders library copies for us to read on behalf of the Tiptree Page Turners group, and then we bring them back to her on our next meeting when we discuss the book. I’m so disappointed to have missed it yesterday. I got home from the library very breathless, the effects of the cold virus lingering on. My sister’s not coming over tomorrow, to give me a chance to take it easy before attempting to get up to London in the afternoon for a very special film screening. More of that tomorrow if I manage to get there. It’s such a hot ticket that there’s even a giveaway competition running with two seats going to the winner.
My blip for the Tiny Tuesday challenge is a little item ‘From the Kitchen’ - a miniature Claridge’s tea caddy which once contained a single serving of their special blend English Breakfast loose leaf tea. I’ve been there a few times for afternoon tea, and was given this little tin at the end of the meal. I don’t know if they still do this, as I haven’t been for a few years. Having also had tea at the Ritz and other top hotels, I can say that not even they could beat Claridge’s for quality of food and drink. When I last went there the service was discreet and impeccable, but I gather the staff are more “forthcoming” these days which is something I find irritating in a place of that calibre. Thanks to cathy1947 for hosting Tiny Tuesday.
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