
By TonyG

I Didn't Mean To

A slightly crestfallen Bella looking out from her soft 'crate' after having a shower this afternoon.  A much needed shower as she had rolled in something unspeakable while we were out at the ball field.  He collar is drying and a couple of things of mine are waiting to be washed free of something very 'fragrant'!   At least she's little and short haired, Meg takes a lot more washing and even more drying!  

Otherwise a quiet day mostly at home.  The list of admin jobs done grows .... so the list must be getting shorter.   At least it would be if I didn't keep finding more things that need addling to it.   I popped to pottery for 40 minutes glazing before tea and finally planted most of the seeds after tea.   Not feeling wonderful I did go singing tonight and it worked it's magic, lifting my spirits even if my voice was a bit scratchy.  

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