Potting shed

A wet and windy morning made it very unpleasant outdoors. I have a thermometer in the potting shed which I can read from indoors but I wanted to go and check what was actually going on out there. There's not much growing, just a few cuttings I collected at the end of the summer to plant out this year. There's a pampas in the corner which a friend gave me last year. It was almost Autumn and I didn't think it would survive the winter, maybe not even inside. It seems to have made it through. The lowest temperature recorded in the potting shed was -5.3°C despite all its insulation. I noticed there are some tiny leaves growing at the base of the Fuschia plant which I was certain was dead! As the Spring arrives I intend to start off some flowers from seeds to move into the garden at some point. I may try one bush tomato plant in there although I told myself I wouldn't do tomatoes again after a couple of years of much more input than output!!! If anyone has grown tasty small tomatoes in the north of England, or anywhere that has low summer temperatures, I would be pleased to hear about them. 
I managed to make up a zip for my pinafore project, from some continuous zip which I have decided to try. A keep fit class this afternoon with my friend Kath, who has been unwell since the beginning of the year, so it was good to spend a short time with her.
Now I've started doing things again I'm feeling much less dispirited and I'm trying hard not to worry about so many things, especially those I can't do anything to change.

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