
By Teasel


After my early-ish night I awake quite early. I was going to go out for a walk, but it was still dark, and then I realised it was raining. I started to read my new book, the rain went off, and then I noticed a lively colourful sky.

I did go out for a very short walk, then for a run, going the same route as last Sunday. But avoiding potentially muddy tracks. It was fairly still again, and was quite mild, Dino need for gloves or a scarf. TT was home from church when I got back home, and BB was at a loose end.

After lunch, TT and went to East Linton for a walk to see the snowdrops at Smeaton. They were out, but not all in full bloom yet. The day had really clouded over, and it was very gloomy, so we didn’t really see them at their best. We continued our walk, but cut it short due to the threatening rain. We came home and did a supermarket shop. There had been no rain at home, thank goodness, as I had left done washing out. Like yesterday it was almost dry. BB had headed back to Glasgow while we were out.

TT cooked a very nice tea. Later I watched Miss Austen, which I don’t think I was paying enough attention to, so may have to watch it again!

This is this morning’s sunrise. The extra is a clump of Smeaton snowdrops.

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