It’s my 77th birthday today!
I have received lots of lovely cards and gifts along with beautiful tulips and roses. My 92yr old next door neighbour came round yesterday evening with a lovely bunch of yellow roses.
Two friends dropped by during the day at different times, each bringing a colourful bunch of tulips, and the other one some pink roses! So it looks like a florist’s, with some in each room, including the kitchen!
We went into our local town this morning, once again on the bus. I now have a new jumper from FatFace.
Having had a foray into town yesterday again on the bus, I was quite tired this afternoon.
Our good friend Karen is coming to tea as usual this evening.
One of the reasons why I’m.writing this Blip now.
Thankyou to those of you who welcomed Moira4bubbles yesterday on her first blip. I’ll also post a link here to another blip I follow which I think is worth a read given the horrors of the new Presidency in the States.
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