Pushing Through
Angela spotted them first on our return from our circuit of the Estate (and cuppas at the Ivy Kitchen!). Snowdrops pushing through the leaf litter, Spring must be on its way, hurrah!
Back home Plumber Steve arrived to fit the dripping bath tap and, as usual in our Victorian house, it didn't turn out straightforward. Various taps were tried to switch off the water but why did the hot water continue to run?! We mentioned that the sink tap had also started dripping and that broke off when being removed. How could the side of the bath be removed without tearing the floor covering? There were all shades of sighs coming from the bathroom and the time extended beyond the hour we had told neighbour Michelle who shares our water pipe and thankfully had time to fill her kettle before the saga began. More up and down our two staircases and fiddling with taps and knobs, banging and rattling, Plumber Steve left for replacement taps, more sighing, thankfully done. No more dripping water torture during the night! Just a hefty bill no doubt instead.
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