Mounting some photos to create cards
Mounting photographs onto card while I waited for my Ocado delivery yesterday. I’d pulled a muscle in my back when I wiped round the cabinet that holds the bin. It felt like a minor tweak, but no, I’ve needed to take paracetamol and to look after it as well as I could.
Talk with Lyn this morning on messenger. I could see her typing when I was looking at the site, so good to talk instead. she could remember details about when I switched from the lower dose Madopar to the higher dose, which I’d forgotten.
Not my best day today. Apart from first thing this morning and now, this evening, I’ve had difficulty with a complaining ‘gut’. Lack of sleep again! I took a short walk up the village street and back, then actually managed to nap for a short while which left me feeling better. My body wasn’t happy with my choice of meal, whereas it had been perfectly happy the night before consuming the identical food.
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