My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,
I had a nice day in the office today. I hung out with Briar and Olly. They make me laugh.
Briar was feeling a bit low, so we decided to go to the toystore to look at plushies. She ended up buying a pink flamingo for herself and a sloth for Olly.
"Honk," she said, pushing the flamingo against my nose.
I had the temerity to ask if flamingos honked.
Briar looked it up. "They bray AND they honk," she announced.
Fazzy was not in the office today. So I asked Briar to "honk" Fazzy.
"Ew! Symon! Ew!" she replied.
I am not sure what she thought I meant. Nevertheless, here she is, honking all of you.
p.s. AND Briar announced that she was watching MAFS Australia tonight!
She sent me a pixt of her tv screen with a bride and a groom.
Two minutes later, another text.
"@rsehole" was all she said. I understood.
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