Didn’t go to plan
I jumped out of bed & got my outdoor gear on for a 6 mile ramble, made my flask of coffee, etc & then just logged onto website to confirm the address to find it’s next Monday not today - doh!
So I decided to print up some photos then go to Aquafit.
Got my swimming costume on & off I went to find Aquafit had been cancelled but I hadn’t seen the message. About five of us turned up & took up the offer of “just a swim”.
I thought I’d do a quick 20 lengths but after the first 4 I was thinking perhaps a slow 10.
Heather arrived & we chatted & swam at the same time so I managed the 20 in the end.
J & I both fell asleep watching Silent Witness so we will have to rewatch it before tomorrow’s episode.
These knitted birds were in Mums room when we emptied it, I don’t know how she came to have them but I’m quite attached to them now.
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