A day in the life

By Shelling

Walkin' the dog

When I woke up it looked like another sunny day but it didn't last for long. Still frosty in the morning, and most of the day, but tomorrow and for another week we're supposed to stay over zero, which I think is nice. 

While brushing my teeth on my porch, I saw this man(?) walking his dog. I love my live "La Linea" on top of the hill, it's so entertaining, and cheap. They are walking on the main north/south road but from here you can only see what is on it, not the road itself or what's behind it.

I spent most of the day copying and learning music from Youtube. It sharpens my hearing and train my fingers into doing things they are not used to. In the old days, when I learned to play, I was using my tape-recorder in the same way, listening back on half tempo to work out what they were playing over and over again until I had it in the fingers. That process is easier today since it's possible to listen back slowly but without the pitch of the music is changing. With AI you can also isolate the  instrument you want to zoom in to. Kids today are so spoiled. 

There was a walk walked even today, so far I'm keeping up my aim of losing a few kilos this way and that's without a dog.

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