On Some Days

By V1k1

With A Song . . . sung by Bob

Naseby To Clyde 211 kms

I don't have the confidence to take pictures of eople but I had to today when Bob, a local farmer gave us a song at our lunch stop on The Rock and Pillar Range.  We were at 1350 mts/4,400ft at Big Hut.  It had been a good two hour drive to climb slowly up here.  Bob is a friend of our tour guide John and he came along today to tell us about the area we were driving through.  He started mustering here as a 16 year old. Now 79 he still has a strong affinity for the place and shared history and anecdotes with us.  His super power is being a trained opera singer.  He told us his father had a fine voice but didn't have the opportunity to train as a singer.  Bob joined the local amature dramatic society and was talent spotted and somehow, I forget the details, went to Sydney and trained for three years.  It was special moment and totally unexpected.
Without a song, the day would never end
Without a song, the road would never have been
When things go wrong, a man ain't got a friend
Without a song . . .
Thiis is what we did today:
The Rock and Pillar Range, little more than an hour from Dunedin, is one of Otago's most distinctive upland features – its summit ridge is dominated by impressive schist tors or rocky pillars.
We drove up through tussock which changed to alpine plants at the top.
Last extra is our accomodation in Clyde rebuilt in 1868 and the owners have kept the original features. 

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