Living my dream

By Mima


Hooray! We had a walk at Bortons Pond today. 

For reasons of Bean's health, plus the likely presence of hordes of visitors (at least 20) during the school holidays I have avoided it since mid-December. 

But with Beanio being fitter, and it being the first day of the new school year I decided it was worth the drive. I was right.

We met three fisherpeople, saw several large cruising sharks rainbow trout....and that was it. Perfect.

As soon as she was released from the car Bean was OFF! She did some bouncing, quite a bit of boinging and even some hurtling and thundering past me. And of course some splashing and sploshing.

What heart problem?

I kept the walk to 45 minutes, with a five minute break half way during which time Bean paddled, head ploughed the water and generally looked gorgeous. She shook herself all crooked just before she got out. 

It was perfect weather: a light breeze, sunshine and 22C. 

We'll be back soon. She absolutely loved it. So did I.

The extras are more of the Pond. 

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