Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

Crazy weather

It was +9C on the mountain today. Winds were average 40-50 km/hr, gusting to 80. Would I want to be there …. No.
I went up to collect my skis because I’m not skiing any more till March (another story), and the lady said to me, “have a great day” - as they do in the USA. And I replied, thank you , but I’m not skiing today. And she said “Well, you’ll definitely have a great day then” !! That summed it up nicely.
So the time was better spent having a good long walk on the flat. The picture is across the frozen ponds in Swaner Preserve, a wonderful wetlands nature reserve. In spring, the sandhill cranes arrive for the summer, a real delight. I just love seeing them and their courtship displays and hearing their haunting calls across the open landscape.

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