
By HareBrain

3 Ducks

Our friend H who so sadly lost her Partner late last year invited us for lunch as a thank you for the house and dog sitting we did for her in December. K & T, two of her lovely neighbours, were there too, as a thank you to them as well, they were such a support to us while H was away and it was really good to see them all again.
H cooked a super lunch and after a bit of a rest we 3 ladies took Tilly dog for a walk and enjoyed some fresh air and lots of birdsong.

There wasn't much of interest to photograph but I did spy these three ducks on a pond in a field behind a hedge. The photos were pretty awful so I've given them a filter and blocked out all the greenery in the way!

Feel so sorry for poor H, she puts a brave face on but we know she's struggling with the sudden loss of S - but I'm not far away and she's got other good friends and some very good neighbours.

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