
By TheBigCheese1

Little Sausage

Aka The Hound, aka Richmond when she is in her pink surgical suit!

Went out for a meal with my sisters, my mum and their families yesterday for my middle sister’s birthday.  It was really nice.  I still had my massive headache from Friday night, so took loads of pills which didn’t make any difference.

This morning I woke still with a massive headache.  I got up and promptly passed out and was sick.  The Dopski’s friends were supposed to be coming round for a Chinese Meal Extravaganza, but that had to be cancelled.  She was quite upset, but the plans have now changed into a meal and sleepover at half term!!  How do I let these things happen?  

Feel a little better tonight, but have taken some headache pills to ward anything off in the night.  Bedtime now.

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