Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Sad Cuddly

We orienteered around the Temple Newsam Estate this morning in the sunshine.  We were both a little rusty as it's been a while.  I was a bit concerned about my rocky knee so downgraded my course from Green to Short Green in case it gave way.  As it turned out, it performed better than expected although there were a couple of occasions when my foot went down a hole or small dyke and it jarred my knee, ow.  I'm looking forward to giving it some tlc in the bath tonight.

Back home I brewed cuppas and then went up to the Drying Ground as it was a working party day.  G, C and S were already attacking the remaining brambles.  Tony joined after a while carrying this forlorn item which he had just unearthed. S thought it was a dead cat!  I think it might be a long lost Tigger so I've brought it home and it's now in soapy water in my trug on the patio.  It will need a few changes of water before I dare to put it in the washing machine, but it was once loved so it deserves some tlc too!  I may blip it when it is looking happier.

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