How nice was it to wake up to sunshine, or the promise of at least. A bit frosty, and lots of slip sliding on the way to meet my running buddies but so much nicer than yesterday.
We were aiming for a nice easy (flat) 15ish miles this morning, a small step up from last week but decidedly less hilly and muddy. Annoyingly we got a bit lost at the end and ended up cutting a bit of the distance off, so I didn't quite make my target. I was also a bit slower than I wanted.
That disappointment over Himself and I went to meet the Not Children for my celebratory birthday lunch a bit later in the afternoon. We went somewhere new, a slightly odd bar come restaurant close to the station. It was surprisingly good! The place was nice, the service was on the right side of positive and the food was excellent, and huge. The Not Children were also on good form and gave the cocktails 9/10. The cherry in the daquari apparently knocked it down one.
Even after eating almost half a chicken, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, cabbage, Yorkshire pudding and a side of cauliflower cheese (I left the carrots) I've managed to come home and eat a bowl of crisps.
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