Life through the lens...

By ValC

Rodley Nature Reserve.

Making the most of a lovely sunny day.
Our first visit to Rodley Nature Reserve, Leeds.
The only trouble was it was difficult to see sometimes because of the sun in our eyes.
Can’t win!

However we did have a nice walk round. Stopping off at several hides.
Swans, different varieties of ducks, coots,cormorants, lapwings, a heron, blue tits, Great tits, bullfinches, robin, blackbird, Woodpecker, kestrel and some birds we weren’t quite sure about.

Bumped into one of our walking friends who told us they had two TV screens in the visitor centre. One camera inside a kestrel nest box ( see collage) and one in an owl nesting box where there were two owls fast asleep but the photos were very blurry.
Always like to see the tiny harvest mice, which they are breeding in large glass tanks.
( see collage)

We also got chatting to an elderly gentleman, who told us he had helped build the sand martin wall eight years ago. He borrowed my binoculars to have a closer look at it and was pleased to see it was still looking OK.
( middle photo)
They will fill in all the holes with new sand ready for the birds returning in early summer.
A very enjoyable morning.

As it is Yorkshire Pudding Day we will be having them as a starter for our meal tonight.
Just off into the kitchen to make the onion gravy.

Many thanks for all your hearts and stars for yesterday’s blip of little Leo.

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