X Border
It's weird what goes through your head at night over a race. I had a weird dream and hardly slept a wink. But we set off for Carlisle bright and early. And boy what a turn out . I was excited.
My friend from work started off with us and then went ahead to see if she could go at a faster pace. I know my limits at the moment so was happy with how fast I was running. Gord is a fab support. His wife and one of his sons rang the cowbells when we were heading towards the finish line. And my friend from works mum who I also work with and absolutely love. Came running up to me and gave me the best hug ever. I could have cried as she is such a great support and friend.
Mr R and the wildlings weren't going to make it as we had a sparky coming to the house. But what a great surprise I got when I saw the jedi and wildlings coming up the road to see me. They just missed us cross the line. And I set a new PB. Two minutes faster than my last 10km. And that's with a dodgy back and shoulder.
But I'm so bloody happy and proud. And I'm also very very sleepy. I'm having a treat for dinner. Woo hoo.
And I will be wearing my medal to work tomorrow. Hahaha
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