Again and Again

By Ripitup

Whoop whoop

It was still 'all about the parkrun' today.

After a week where much discussion was had about grass condition it was an early start to make sure that things went as smoothly as possible this week.

Elaine was RD but Bob spoke about  tweaks this week and changes next week before the briefing.  I managed to grab the microphone from him before he handed it over and announce that it was his 250th. As my Co-Ed and one of the people responsible for setting up the event it was great to see the applause he received.  His son had travelled home to run with him and his wife walked it. All fabulous, as was the tiffin he'd saved for me when I finished.

Marion was able to join me and as we'd not had a chat for a while we walked and talked.  I was very rude about someone and my bad language and slow walking wete likely not how Marion envisaged her morning. She was, gracious and kind, as.always.  We were just about fast enough to high five  emma on the out and back part of both laps.  Emma overtook the tail walkers who were the 90 minute mark.  I am curious about their slow speed and took a moment to observe.  I have read some information about Downs syndrome and hope to join them one week and perhaps to learn more. The one thing that I do know is that their joy in finishing fills me with joy.

In the cafe afterwards we ate toast and chatted, among other things, about our parkrun tourism plans for next weekend.  At the moment we plan on heading to Stevenage so it won't be too early a start.

Mr RIU was being grumpy about the state of the smallest bedroom in the house as he wanted, for the first time in at least 5 and probably 10 years, practice throwing darts.  I blame the TV coverage and his friend who is away this week. I have been making slow progess clearing it as I struggle to part with things, I am very busy and will not prioritise chores and there is ALWAYS something more enjoyable to do.  I am getting better at making sure something goes when something new comes but MrRIU, I think, is addicted to buying things.  It's a constant battle.

I ended up dismantling some furniture that I'd kept with an upcycling plan that isn't going to happen.  I put that in the car to dispose of tomorrow and spotted some weeds growing in the garage guttering.  That ended up being my next distraction and then some weed pulling in the front garden after they caught my eye as I emptied the gutter treasure into my bin.

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