
By momcat1

A blast from the past

When I was a kid , my Mom started feeding birds.  Many winters we would get a large flock of these Evening Grosbeak's in the yard. I had not seen them in very many years until two years ago when we had 4 in the trees in March for a day . Much to my surprise  last  week during the very cold snap  we had one lone bird stop for some food. It didn't stay very long but 
I was able to get a photo. unfortunately that was when the furnace was out  and the ensuing week took up most of my time with trying to keep the house warm in addition to the rest of the usual stuff.  So I am finally trying to post a few things .It isn't a new photo , but it is such a cool bird I can't not post it. That  furnace finally got fixed this week , though now we are worried about the fireplace as there seem to be cracks in the (fake ) stonework on the outside and I am concerned it could have affected the inside as well. I suspect it is house settling but no fireplace till it is checked out. Here's hoping February goes better than Dec and Jan. 

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