Walking Millie in the Forest of Dean was lovely by the brook to the sound of gently tumbling water watching her gambol around in the bracken with her friend and partner in crime, Watson the dachshund.
The four of us, Tammy and her friend joined us and we all went for scampi in an old forest pub. It has all been an eye opener today as Millie was petted, stroked and cooed over everywhere she went. It seems Border Terriers are the dog of the moment by all accounts. She certainly loved all the attention and I admit it, I did start doing a bit of an eye roll!
The lone possibly female goosander was fishing, diving down and emerging, rather grebe like. Not a birdI've seen very often especially down here. They were persecuted because of their fishing capabilities but now have become far more widespread on rivers and small lakes in forested areas as they are one of the few ducks which nest in tree holes.
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