
By soozsnapz

The light festival begins

A busy morning - Portia went to the vet for her final check up after having a tooth out.  It’s all healed now, and she’s allowed to have biscuits again. Cat biscuits I mean, not digestives:) Then I went to the wonderful Dunelm and ordered some new curtains for the front bedroom, with maximum thickness lining to keep the heat in. The woman who served me was delightful, helpful, and when we got chatting we found we were the same age.  She’s still working 16 hours a week, and really enjoying it. 
In the afternoon I went to the Watershed to see Hard Truths, the new Mike Leigh film.  My film friend H would not go, as she knew it to be sad, and she avoids sad. It’s an immensely powerful story - a woman who lives with her husband and 22year old son.  Deeply depressed, she’s angry with everyone, and has rows with pretty much all the people she meets. In shops, in car parks, within her family. We all know severe depression can manifest in anger. Some of it reminded me of my own mother, who struggled similarly (but not so severely) in her 40s, which made it difficult for me to watch.  It’s a brilliant film, so well acted, but bleak - I can’t really recommend watching it. 
It was about 5.30 when I left the cinema, almost but not completely dark.  The light festival starts tonight.  I went to two things : the main one is called Somnius - and the lights and sounds (tinkly, relaxation style) are supposed to respond to the the audience underneath it.  There wasn’t a lot of us there, but it was pleasing to look at the lights against the not quite dark sky.  Then I headed home via Queens Square - where there was already a long queue of children wanting to go on the colourful swing boats.  The colours are constantly changing - but of course I can’t show that. When I looked at the pic later at home I found I’d also caught the sliver of moon between some trees:)

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