Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Good morning Lovely Blippers,

You all know how we like to be helpful to the HCBs, because they are always very good to us - so today, when Mr. HCB said that he would be taking down his humongous jigsaw puzzle - yes, the 2,000 piecer - we asked if we could help. You can see him working hard in the bottom right of this collage - he says taking the jigsaw apart is almost as hard as doing it.  Mind you, he is a bit picky and doesn't like to leave even two pieces together - how silly is that!  Who would be bothered to do that - well Mr. HCB would!  

He said he would be happy for us to help, as long as we weren’t too silly!  We wondered how that was going to work - because after all, we are the Silly Saturday Gang, and the object of Silly Saturday is to be as silly as possible.  

We all know that Admirer loved a bit of silliness, so some of us decided that we would wear pieces of the jigsaw puzzle as jiggy hats - can you see some of us wearing very classy jiggy hats?  Mrs. HCB said “No thank you,” when we asked if she would like to wear one.  Between you and me, she is a bit grouchy this morning and we found out why.  

She had a bit of a nightmare at about midnight when she realised that not only was her Bank app down - because Barclays had a meltdown - but also she couldn’t remember the Master password for her Password app so she had a meltdown too.  She managed to get into the Password app on her new phone by changing the password, after a struggle, but couldn’t sync to her desktop Password app - a job that will be done very soon, so she says.  We think it probably best to keep out of her way for the day!

Anyway, we will just remind you to BE KIND, because kindness needs to be spread all around - and we are sure that as Blippers, you can all do that.  We are going to try to be EXTRA KIND to Mrs. HCB today because we think she needs it.

Have a great week and we hope the weather is KIND to you as well as you being KIND to everyone around you.

Love from The Silly Saturday Gang xxx

P.S.  We think it's almost time for hot chocolate and marshmallows, so we may leave Mr. HCB to it for a while!

P.P.S.  Mrs. HCB has made us all hot chocolate, and has made Mr.  HCB a cup of coffee and one for herself, and is now sitting down and helping Mr. HCB to take the puzzle apart - how kind!

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