Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2025 Friday — Two Days Late

Because Mr. Fun felt crummy Wednesday, our monthly celebration leading to our May 29th Wedding Anniversary was postponed until today, the 31st. Slowly, and at the same time, it seems that all at once, we have grown from newlyweds to who we are today six decades later.

I met Mr. Fun, my life partner, at a party when I was a ninth grader at Corona Junior High School; he was a senior at Corona High. Together we were restless, rebellious, misbehaving teenagers and now our bodies reveal that we are wrinkled, muscle sagging senior citizens.

Along the way, we've gathered lots of history and a multitude of stories. Lots of changes. We've heard others refer to "embracing change." We think of it more like "riding a bucking bronco" and we've been hanging-on with all our might. Occasionally we're thrown to the ground. Then we find our hats in the dirt, put them on our heads and climb back on that bronco. Rather than "embracing," we are "hanging-on" for the ride of our lives. We’ve been doing that for almost six-decades. We’re not sure which surprises us more — that we are still hanging-on or that we are about to cross the official six-decade line. So we celebrate.

When we arrived back home late this afternoon, I told him "I took you on a date." His rebuttal to my statement was "No, I took you on a date because I drove the car." And then we laughed.

Today we enjoyed a long leisurely elegant lunch at "Nate's on Marsh" in San Luis Obispo. We ordered food, spaghetti pesto, and even a beverage, Irish coffee, that ignited memories and produced conversation about people and places; the food was delicious and the memories delightful.

We realize that this earth life has a limited number of pages, so Mr. Fun & I like to magnify the moments that give us license to a celebrate. Today has been one of those days. We’re thankful to God for all that He has accomplished in our lives; we’re thankful for His protection, and we are especially thankful for the gift of Salvation that Jesus Christ gives us.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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