One of two
First day of the second month of the year. Got an email from WPM, one of my Peer Group. Three of us had made a joint submission to the Select Committee for the Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill, and indicated a wish to appear before the Committee. We have just been invited to appear either in person (in Wellington) or by ZOOM. We have been offered three possible days with times, and told that we need to be prompt in accepting time and date. I am keen to do this, and have so informed WPM who co-ordinates our group.
After lunch today I decided to take the compost out of the lower levels of the bin. I have been keeping various large plastic bags for this purpose. I was able to fill two 40 Litre bags with fairly rough compost. That took about a quarter of what was in the bin.
After that we collected daughter J from the domestic airport on her return from attending a sort of summer school in Dunedin. She is doig very well having returned to university to work on a doctorate in architecture.
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