
By dogwithnobrain

Try as I may I can never explain

First thing this morning. I had.Mental Health appointment which was exhausting 
.  There are only so many ways you can say 'im better but not right '

Si took me home and made me a cuppa coffee and toast.   

And then I went back to the office 

So I walked in, through the back and grabbed a couple of archive boxes.   I just lifted all the files out my cabinets and dropped them in .

I shredded everything which needed shredded.  Nearly knocked my screen off the desk.  Picked up all my body sprays ... There were three bottles down the back of my cabinet 

I messaged the staff I wanted to say bye to and was quite touched by their responses. (I was told not to tell anyone).

Then HR messaged for a 'catch uo'. 

I messaged her back quite politely   I told her there was nothing to catch up on.  I was still signed off   I told her that talking on the phone stressed me and if she had anything of interest for me i.e. when I could leave, then she should message me 

And then I shut down my computer, hugged my work bestie and left 

Not one feeling of regret.  Just relief 

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