Bubble Tea & RIP
Back on day shifts and not having taken any pictures, calling in the supermarket en route home there was at least something to snap on a shelf that reminded me of fitzbilly's recent post musing about what Bubble Tea may be.
The shelves of Morrisons didn't fully answer the question so further enquiries were made with Eldest who has mentioned it before. So Mr Fitzbilly, it apparently hails from Taiwan and is a sweet milky tea with tapioca. Drank through a straw, the tapioca gives it a bubbly texture.and she says it's very very nice.
And why does my Brain read Bubbly in the voice of old Coronation Street's Audrey Roberts?
Bubb-leh...Al-feh...etc etc ,
And upon popping the telly on whilst having tea (dinner not beverage) it was sad to hear that The Girl On a Motorcycle, Marianne Faithfull, has passed away :-(
May she rest in peace. As Tears Go By...wow girl x ^_^
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