I had some of my team fly down from Edinburgh for a workshop yesterday and today. It was good to meet them in person, we've only been on calls up to now, and we got loads more done being in the same room together than we ever would have remotely. I'm a big advocate of face to face working, whatever people say it's much more productive to be able to bounce things around and have impromptu conversations than it is to have to schedule a call, dial in, raise your hand blah di blah di blah. Having said that my PM is an expert in her field and she wouldn't be able to be in London everyday so i accept there are some benefits to being able to pick the beat person for the job, regardless of location.
In amongst that I managed to get the final 'i's dotted and most of the 't's crossed on a massive supplier contract. I just need an email approval from my Finance Exec now, who, oddly, I sat with at dinner on Tuesday.
By the end of the day my brain was fried so I met Himself for a quick drink before coming home.
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