This Amaryllis is amazing , it just keeps giving & giving. Is was a Christmas Present given to me at the beginning of December 2024. I've never had one planted like this one ( like an Orchid just in a mixture of cones & wood chippings.) So whether this makes a difference to producing flowers I don't know. I have had 3 stems which have given me two x3 blooms & 1x4 bloomsnow this one but not sure how many blooms this will produce.
Poor A went to his car about 2.15pm & about 10minutes later he was back , his car wouldn't start, called the AA who sent road side assistance, actually he didn't have long to wait. Result a new battery was needed, as the AA man had one in his van it made sence for him to supply & fit it there & then. After having a cuppa he left & has just phoned to let me know he's home.
Since he left I've vacuumed through & put a load of washing in , which is now finished & needs hanging out.
Now to sit down for the evening, or else I'll have the nurse on my case ? But good news this am she said it was well on its way to being completely healed, just can't wait.
Trust everyone has had a good day & will enjoy your evening.
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