Everyday Life

By Julez

Not Snowdrops!

Work today. I was expecting it to be busy as today is pay-day for a lot of people. But apart from one big order it wasn't that busy at all, just average really. The regulars who are allowed to have tabs all paid up though.

Brian gave me a lift to work as it was raining, but it was fine at home time so I walked. I've seen lots of lovely snowdrop photos on Blip lately, so I took a detour via the park to have a go at photographing some myself. 

They didn't come out very well, maybe because of how dull and grey it is today. The bright Winter Aconites look a bit better though, so I will Blip them instead!

While I was at work the doctors tried to call me to book me in for my thyroid blood test. I missed the call, but they called home and spoke to Brian. They told him why they were trying to contact me.

I don't mind him knowing, but I still find this problematic in principle. What happened to patient confidentiality? Some patients may not want their partner to know about everything they see a medical professional for, and in some instances it could cause problems.

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