Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


It was quite a nice day.  Cold, but bright.  I went for a wander round the garden, but we haven’t got much going on yet.  Hellebores would be nice, but although we have a proposed location for them, it needs work before we can buy and plant any.  Our daffodils are starting to sprout on the front lawn, but no buds yet.

W spent some time spraying the moss on the tarmac - we're happy to leave moss on the grass, but we're concerned that it will damage the tarmac - quite apart from the fact that it looks as though we don't care for the property.  We have A LOT of tarmac!

With the heating functioning (albeit still with a "workaround") we are able to enjoy sitting in the garden room again, watch the birds on the feeder, and enjoy the sunshine.  And be in a good position to notice when the sunset is rather spectacular. 

In the evening, we watched the final episode of Death Comes to Pemberley.  And a short, but rather lovely documentary about Orin O'brien, an American Double Bass player who joined the New York Philharmonic in 1966 (when she was "The Only Girl in the Orchestra"), and retired 55 years later in 2021, aged 86!  She still teaches, aged 89.

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