Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Another blip on needle felting... 
First I sowed seeds for a summer flower and then continued with first the tulip and then making a leaf for the spring flower. The last thing I did was start a new tulip, but yellow this time. I had to mix the bright yellow with some white, to tone it down.

I also told my boss that my training sword is being shipped soon. She wants me to bring it to work and show them how I wield it. Coworkers also wants to see, and a new coworker has experience with a katana sword and offered to give me some pointers. :) Perhaps I can use my 'fitness break' to train with my training sword. :) 
I'm not going to be able to bring the real sword to work, because of laws, but to training sessions at a club, it's ok. :) 

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