
By K9tam

Looks Like ...

Smoke, but it's the mist rising through the marshy bit of the canal.

Another stressful day with technology. Setting up my new phone and discovered I am not receiving or able to send texts. Many minuets wasted onYouTube etc trying. Spoke to Apple and they were very helpful. Did a screen share and told I need to contact my provider. Rang Virgin media who eventually transferred us to O2, after trying to sell us a different deal!

We couldn't really understand the woman on O2 and there was a whole lot of background noise which made it harder. Security questions went on and on .... What was the first character of our old address - then the 5th - then the 6th - then the post code - then something else, we'd lost the will to be patient by then.

The outcome of an hour on the phone? Switch the device off, and turn it on again after half an hour. If it didn't work (which of coarse it didn't) Then ring them back, and then we can go through all this again. Passing the buck comes to mind. A quick and angry e mail to the Chairman was despatched. 

Frustrating thing about all this. was I was waiting for a text from the Doctor's surgery, after a frustrating time filling in reams of details on their new way of making appointments. They will only attempt to contact you twice and then you have to start all over again. Luckily they rang on our landline, appointment for first thing tomorrow morning ... Gulp.

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