Bubble Tea
My version. In fact I have no idea what the real thing is.
RCD update. The dishwasher definitely trips it. Even when connected to a different circuit via an extension lead. The empty toaster doesn't. We have one M&S Luxury Hot Cross bun which we will try shortly.
We don't want to do any serious damage though as we are off to the theatre tonight to see Last Dance Saloon. Two people, no longer in the first flush of youth, find each other at a tango retreat in Buenos Aires. Hmm.
One year ago:
Salmon Red
I shouldn't tempt fate but we haven't caught a mouse for 49 days now, and that was in the rat trap I installed in a box down the side of the house. I think we are rat free too, haven't seen one on the camera for ages, no cats in the garden either. They seem to know. Coincidentally I just had a refund of 92p from Amazon for the rat trap, apparently the price now is lower than when I bought it on Black Friday, so I got an automatic refund.
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