Oh Deer!
I know I have been absent for a while. Sorry. But preoccupied with other life stuff. For those that know I follow them - I still do! Promise!
Today I walked Elvis. En-route the German Shepard from the farm opposite decided to join us. Additional photo is of them together. Main pic is a bit later, because the German Shepherd vanished into the woods when he heard something. He did not re-join us. We continued.
I expected to see nothing today. Any time the woods are “disturbed” they go to ground.
Not at all!
These two appeared (not sure they were not spooked by the neighbour’s dog) but rather than run away as soon as they saw us (me and Elvis sitting to listen to and watch the birds) they slowly came closer. Eventually figured out I was a human with a dog and they bounded off to the woods.
The German Shepard is the most likable, gentle, soft dog of his breed I have met for years. Trouble is, his name suggests otherwise!
How wrong could the neighbours be!?
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