
By RadioGirl

Flying Kit

Some of the contents of the latest box I’m going through. My pilot’s kit, all packed neatly into a big satchel-type bag with the BBC logo on it which I bought when they used to have a shop selling branded merchandise. In the photo are the air map of central and southern England (years out of date), a circular slide rule to aid with flight planning, my pilot’s licence (now long-since lapsed), my log book, and an A4 clipboard with blank flight plan log sheets for writing down estimated timings etc for each trip after doing the flight plan. There’s quite a lot more in the bag, including two headsets, fuel testing kit, stopwatch, map marking pens, aircraft checklists and so on.

I have no idea what to do with all this stuff. It’s meaningful to me and evokes many happy memories of messing about on airfields, but I will never go back to flying again so I don’t actually need it in a practical sense.

And so the sorting out continues…

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