Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Tubular Bells here

From midday onwards my friend from Salonika and I went off for a walk and we did so from Vamos, on Apokorona. That's a lovely village up in the hills and known as a centrepoint of many walking paths. We walked some 10 kms and halted many times, at the monastery of Agios Giorgos/St. George and at the little Byzantine Chapel Panagia Katomeri, close to where I pictured this flock of sheep. IN the extra a photo from friend Ira en route.

All we heard during our walk were singing birds and "tubular bells" from the sheep, that roamed through the fields around us. No traffic noises, no loud music, just silence with the sounds from the animals. And temps were again around 18C if not 20C.. at midday that is as in the early morning and from 16.00 hours onwards the strength of the sunbeams is less and thus the warmth too. 
However, local people fear the heat of  the  Summer at present; the breadbaker's wife told us in Vamos, she and her man would not stand another Summer as hot as last year's. From the weekend onwards Siberian colds are forecasted for Greece... let's see if that reaches us here too; it's most welcome with snow and a touch of Winter! 
Thank you for your dear reactions and visits! I lack time for regular visits to yours at the moment, but I'll try every now and then.

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