An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


D was up early and off to Edinburgh with my wheels to have the fault that developed recently (when on speed 5 the chair just suddenly comes to a halt and the power switches off!) investigated.  

I did what I usually do before we head off on a short break and started writing my to do lists and the shopping list.  Doesn't achieve much but it makes me feel as though I have :-)

Spent a chunk of the afternoon crocheting elephants for Orla's jungle bunting.  Just after I completed the component parts of this wee elephant, I found a different YouTube tutorial for a slightly different version that is much easier to make, and I prefer it.  Made two of that version.  

Moved on to the monkey head but the tutorial was a disaster (unclear instructions, terrible video and far too fast!)  Will have to find another.  

D returned without my wheels.  They think it's a battery fault so will drain both batteries and re-charge and take it from there.  Hoping it can be picked up on Thursday.

Dinner was a made up recipe using orzo pasta, roast veg, chicken and a garlic tomato sauce.  It turned out very tasty.  Must keep a note of what I did!  

Final two episodes of Black Doves.  Really enjoyed the series, especially the humour. 

Today was Orla's due date but she's now 16 days old, was officially registered today, and is back up to her birth weight.  She's been a busy girl :D 

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