
By aryomjapes

Time to get my clarinet out

Once upon a time, in another era, I was mainly a clarinettist. The music I've used for today's picture was one I learned for either the second or final year recital of my degree. (I can tell by the writing which tutor it was!!). It was also a piece I played at a concert in my current church with my predecessor accompanying me on the organ - all long before any thought of me becoming his successor entered anyone's thinking. 

And, up to today, I don't think I had ever heard anyone else play it, nor had I heard the orchestral accompaniment. Radio 3 treated me to a rendition this morning as I was walking to work - it took a few minutes for me to work out why it was so familiar and why my fingers were twitching along. 

I really don't play my clarinet much any more, but I did get it out for a bit before the piano pupils arrived and I will see if this page at least is still in my muscle memory tomorrow.

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