
By TheHairyPict

Orion and the Milky Way

Astrophotography is a dark art that I know very little about, but I bought myself a new lens to experiment, a 16mm wideangle lens with a wide aperture (f 2.8) to let in lots of light.

This is the view looking SE from Kirkhill at 8pm tonight. You can see Orion, just right of centre  and the Pleiades at the top right. The bright blob between them is Jupiter and the bright object just above the cloud left of centre is Mars, with the twins Castor and Pollux just above it to the left.  The bright glow at the bottom left is the lights of Inverness.   The Milky Way comes down vertically between Orion and Mars, but is rather faint.  I need to find darker skies!

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