Big Hill

By bighill

The Mighty Chance!

A sunny morning but chilly, -10!   We went for a lovely walk.....and this is Chance bouncing back towards me - I have to whistle very loudly to get his attention, he's very deaf and going pretty blind....he often stands up ahead of me and looks around, trying to locate me if i'm not right there beside him.   Once i whistle or get his attention he comes bouncing towards me....looking very pleased to 'find' me!!!   He's still so full of energy and loves going for walks with either me or Terry!

Today i'm tackling the rather big job of sifting thro all the 'stuff' that was on the old shelves, deciding what to let go off and what to keep.....then to figure out where they should go - i'm giving myself 2 days to tackle this!  Lots of questionable items....and lots of rather grimy stuff that needs a good clean :P

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