Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


Ohhh, that’s brisk! Pilates first up, but I chickened out of riding straight after, But with coffee and a severe dose of the guilts, I was ready.

But not before a client’s server was having issues, and I had to intervene to get the hosting company to take action. In the end I think we fixed it …

And then on the bike. Windy, cold and damp. Perfect. And at the top of the Port Hills, very windy, moderately cold, but not too wet thankfully!

7 weeks to a repeat of last years Heaphy ride. So today was all about preparation, bikes, gear, making sure I am in the right space to ride my target of 3 times per week, plus Pilates, plus some indoor cycling. Pretty motivated to achieve that, as all I can remember form day 4 last year is being well and truly knackered. I’d like to be less so this year!

And yes, I have some back blipping to do, quite a lot in fact …

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