
By NotCuthbert

Old Quarry Pond

We were back at Mouse Gate again today, but accompanied with cloud and drizzle instead of yesterday's blue sky.  It might look a pale blue, but it was cloud.

Today's achievements were speaking to a contractor about our cracked wall, and ordering some long pieces of wood. 

I have searched on the Web for 4m long wooden fence posts "near me", and got nowhere. The few places with them were not near me!  So I rang a few local places with the same success until my final option. This very helpful person said they sell 8m lengths of 4 by 3, which he has sawn in half and used himself. They are coming tomorrow.  

I am amused that the 4 by 3 are inches and the length is metres. Of course the inches are approximations of the millimetres.  I think it is good to use the Imperial terms as well as metric. A pint of bitter please.

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