campervan man

By campervan


The weather is rubbish. It seems to be cold and damp all the time and very gloomy. Rain on and off all day, again. There are big puddles, that soon could be renamed lakes, in the lane, some filling the pot holes so they can't be see. Fortunately we know where most of them are.
It is sugar beet harvesting season. The machines are huge, as they pass they mangle one grass verge or the other (or both) and spreading mud all over the road. Once they have done their work they return, adding all the mud stuck on them from the fields to the roads.
And its still gets dark early.
On the plus side daughter3 is visiting this weekend with the Germ Monster so that will be fun. And I have some daffodils in flower, quite a few in bud hopefully to follow along shortly.
So its not all bad but a bit of sunshine would be appreciated.
ps  Our neighbour Craig told me he had already taken a picture of these flowers and sent it to his sister with a note about spring starting. She lives in Canada where it is currently -20. She has not responded to his message

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