
By ExtraDays

On a Clear Day

This morning it was below 30 when we took our walk. Clear, crisp and very dry. Invigorating, though.
Remember the icicle claim in yesterday’s post? Although it looked like icicles, it was too warm yesterday, so we checked it out and sure enough - those weren’t icicles, it’s all water vapor in the vertical spaces in the ridged, double plastic cladding of that greenhouse.
I took a second walk around 4, and about when I took this pic of the back of Larry’s garage, Eric called; asked where I was, and said he’d walk to meet me. He hardly ever does that, the calling part, I mean, so I found myself a bit freaked; heart pounding, I ran through the names of my sibs, close loved ones, and wondered if he was about to give me more bad news. Nope; he just wanted the walk.

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