Daisy days

By PatriciaDoran

Bill (or maybe Ben)

Out for the afternoon with Annieone. We went to Kildare Farm Foods and Open Farm. This little fellow (a pygmy goat) was very keen to get whatever we might have, but we hadn't brought him any food - he was very disappointed! According to the sign on his pen, he was either Bill or Ben (there were two of them there, but the other one wasn't as friendly). We had a very lucky day, managing to avoid being caught in the rain showers, and some of them were really nasty (extreme hail events, with thunder and lightning) but it only rained while we were indoors or in the car - that's the sort of luck that doesn't always come with an Irish summer - the "rub of the green" as Irish luck is often called, does not work to keep the rain away!! :-)

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